
The health benefits of titanium bracelets

Since its discovery in the late 18th century, titanium has been prized for its strength and durability, as well as its compatibility with the human body. In fact, it is now widely used in artificial body parts, jewelry for sensitive skin, and as an alternative medicine. And titanium bracelets are also believed to have a number of health benefits.

Oxygen. Titanium attracts oxygen. When it comes into contact with the skin in the form of a bracelet, it absorbs oxygen into the irritated or painful skin area. And that extra oxygen helps relieve pain and inflammation. That's why it's good for arthritis sufferers to wear a titanium bracelet near an inflamed wrist.

Energy source. Magnetic titanium bracelets are believed to hold a positive charge. Alternative medicine says that pain is the presence of a negative charge. Positive and negative charges can cancel each other out, so the bracelet also has a pain-reducing effect.

Durability. Medical alert bracelets are made of titanium because they don't corrode as easily as ferroalloys. The metal is also easier to bend than gold or silver. In fact, titanium can withstand higher temperatures, salt water and medical procedures. Its service life is usually more than a few years.

Human compatibility. Unlike some other medical metals, titanium works well with the body, so there is no fear of infection from implants. Likewise, titanium bracelets do not cause infections, rashes, or increased pain and swelling.

Because titanium bracelets have so many benefits, modern medical researchers have begun using them to treat underlying ailments like acid reflux. The bracelet is wound around the lower part of the esophagus, where the sphincter is located. It tightens the sphincter so stomach acid doesn't seep out and cause reflux.
